Friday, June 5, 2009

you're my great big daddy God

You're my great big daddy God
i want to sit on your shoulders
see the whole wide world
sing and whistle down the road
dancing in Your footsteps
sing all the way home
by City Harvest Church

i recently had a conversation with my dad.. i was worried about my further studies.. like what to do and where.. and there were a lot of factors. ranging from monetary issues to distance n all.. and he said one thing to me. he said don't you worry about the financial part of it. that is my responsibility. you go and do what you need to do. as long as it is God pleasing.

i was really touched from that statement he made.. here i was worrying about all the little things in life that seems really big to me. and only to find out to my dad, those things arent that important. yes they are impt but there is sth more impt to him. thats how i'm doing. that moment, i just had that kind of realisation of how much my dad loves me. :)

then, i thought back about my other dad.. the dad that is also a dad to my earthly dad. *nopes not my grandfather*.. and i realise how much His love is for me. so much more than what my earthly father loves me.. and then, i realise, its the same thing. my big daddy God doesnt want me to worry about all the nitty gritties that i think are important. instead, He wants me to focus on what is important to Him.

Matthew 6:25-32 talks about all the things we need not worry about. and at the end of this section, it ends of with the following 2 verses. "33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." And it tells us straight away what our Daddy wants us to do.. to seek Him first above everything else. and let the rest fall into its place. and remember that HE is in control of everything else.

Have you seeked Him today? or have you been holding on to everything you can possibly see? Maybe its time to let Him take control of your circumstances.. :)

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