Tuesday, October 27, 2009

His vision, His way, in His timing

"Then God said, 'Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about'" (Gen 22:2).

Have you ever wanted something so bad that you would do almost anything to get it? Have you ever gotten so close to fulfilling a dream only to have it disappear right before your eyes? Such was the case for Abraham.

God promised Abraham that he would be the father of many nations. He would have a son. However, Abraham panicked when Sarah aged beyond child bearing years and tried to help God by birthing Ishmael through Sarah's servant, who was not the promised son. Eventually, Isaac was born, who was the promised son.

However, God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son on an altar to demonstrate his obedience to God. Truly, this is one of the hardest instructions given to one of God's people in all of scripture. It compares only to the Heavenly Father sacrificing His own Son. God intervenes and allows a ram to get caught in the bushes nearby, symbolizing the Lamb of God as a prophetic sign of what is to take place in the future.

God often births a vision in our lives only to allow it to die first before the purest version of the vision is manifested. This has happened several times in my own journey. Oswald Chambers observes, "God's method always seems to be vision first, and then reality, but in between the vision and the reality there is often a deep valley of humiliation. How often has a faithful soul been plunged into a like darkness when after the vision comes the test. When God gives a vision and darkness follows, waiting on God will bring you into accordance with the vision He has given if you await His timing. Otherwise, you try to do away with the supernatural in God's undertakings. Never try to help God fulfill His word."*

When God's vision is finally birthed, nothing will stop it. Our job is to allow God to birth His vision through us His way and in His timing.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

wow... thats really fast.. we are at the end of this week's relationship principle again!! :) its amazing how fast time flies.. and soon its the dreaded EXAMS!!! haha kk i dunno why i wrote dat. i think cos my brain has been fried by the first aid workshop yesterday..

anyway, even as i was reading today's chapter, i was wondering what i could share.. cos its so straight forward. its so true, its easy to follow.. all it takes is that little bit of time and effor that you place to get all the pondering and seeking done..

anyhow, BEFORE u guys look at the picture below, i want u guys to read this first.. the first person to decipher it and put on d tagboard.. gets... ... ... [ok. who am i kidding? all of you looked at it straight away b4 even reading the rest.] anyhow, i created dis lil picture below..

what is the first thing that stood out to you when you saw the picture? i'm quite sure all ur answers will be "I" the super mega huge "I"... *if it differed for anyone of u pls let me know. may needa book u in for a session wif our psychologist aletheia.* jkinjkin..

ok.. serious stuff.. revealing the answer.. its.. "I have sinned, I am forgiven"

one thing that striked me the most is that while trying to understand "I have sinned, I am forgiven" and trying to show mercy, its most difficult to not judge the "should have known better" person.. i must say i have first hand experience with this.. its often too easy to expect much more from the person. to raise the standard higher for certain people. and when people don't meet the expectation, when people fail you, when people don't do what is required, its so easy to get upset with them. to judge them and say he "should have known better" than to do this or that..

but as i look back on that picture.. and see the big "I" that was right at the top.. and it struck me.. everything is about me. it is MY standard, it is when people fail ME.. when people don't meet MY requirement.. oh my... sound like such a selfish paragragh. urgh.. but as a matter of fact, yes.. it is very selfish..

and then i realise i need to replace all the I, MY and ME with God! we need to see things with God's standard. when we try to reach an expectation, it should be God's expectation for us.. you fail no one else besdies God when you don't accomplish what HE has in plan for u.. and it goes the same for other people..

all these brings me back to the same point.. that We all have sinned, and We all have been forgiven by God's grace, by God's perfect plan for us.. How about adding on to yesterday's chapter about letting God be the final judge, and really start learning how to understand the "I" test at the top and let God's grace and mercy flow out through us to others!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

House of God

House of God

This house has no walls
And this house has no floor
There is no ceiling
Are no doors in this house
This house is always moving
But this house cannot be moved
‘Cause love and peace
Will never leave this house
There's something about
And nothing like this house
It's my home away from home
I know I belong in this house

We are the House of God
His dwelling
Under an open heaven
We live
Built on the solid rock
Of Jesus
We are His Kingdom come
We are the House of God

This house is alive
This house is a bride
And angels are at home
Inside this house
Everything is true
And all things new in this house
This house is a church
It has no steeple
It's only made of Jesus’ people

You can know the sure foundation
You can taste sweet restoration
Come inside find your rest

Thursday, July 2, 2009


wow.. its been 1 mth since i last blogged. and that was during exams period.. God has been good i must say.. got back my term project and it was surprisingly. average. haha. i tot i wld fail. so yea. dat was awesome :)

its really a God given chance this year to be able to go for hillsongs 2009.. i really can't wait for it to start.. flying tonight.. somehow.. my feelings are mixed between excitement, worry, confusion etc.. really don't know what to expect. but one thing i know is that my God will be there to reveal His splendor..

this trip will be my first w/o my parents. oddly enough. and i believe its gonna be exciting. hehe. gonna do things like skydiving :) hehehe... and jetcruise... can't wait.

this semester is gg to b exciting. i love my cell already :)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


He is Able
He is Able
I know Hes Able
I know my Lord is Able to carry me through

He heals the broken hearted
And set the captives free
He makes the lame to walk again
And cross the blind to see

Ps Jentzen Franklin started off the One Prayer thing today and he was talking about our GOD being ABLE.. and i tell u. that was just what i needed to hear. more on it tomorrow or sth. i'll prob b gg to hear it again cos i missed some parts..


Friday, June 5, 2009

you're my great big daddy God

You're my great big daddy God
i want to sit on your shoulders
see the whole wide world
sing and whistle down the road
dancing in Your footsteps
sing all the way home
by City Harvest Church

i recently had a conversation with my dad.. i was worried about my further studies.. like what to do and where.. and there were a lot of factors. ranging from monetary issues to distance n all.. and he said one thing to me. he said don't you worry about the financial part of it. that is my responsibility. you go and do what you need to do. as long as it is God pleasing.

i was really touched from that statement he made.. here i was worrying about all the little things in life that seems really big to me. and only to find out to my dad, those things arent that important. yes they are impt but there is sth more impt to him. thats how i'm doing. that moment, i just had that kind of realisation of how much my dad loves me. :)

then, i thought back about my other dad.. the dad that is also a dad to my earthly dad. *nopes not my grandfather*.. and i realise how much His love is for me. so much more than what my earthly father loves me.. and then, i realise, its the same thing. my big daddy God doesnt want me to worry about all the nitty gritties that i think are important. instead, He wants me to focus on what is important to Him.

Matthew 6:25-32 talks about all the things we need not worry about. and at the end of this section, it ends of with the following 2 verses. "33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." And it tells us straight away what our Daddy wants us to do.. to seek Him first above everything else. and let the rest fall into its place. and remember that HE is in control of everything else.

Have you seeked Him today? or have you been holding on to everything you can possibly see? Maybe its time to let Him take control of your circumstances.. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Psalms 23

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Indeed, our God is an awesome God.. This Psalm has been through thick and thin with me, and has been there to encourage me through my 21 years of my life (ok maybe slightly lesser cos i only committed it to memory when i was 9 mayb? haha).. thats besides the point anyway :) i really hope this Psalm will be an encouragement for everyone just as it has been for me.. and more importantly, i pray that we will all find rest in God even during this hectic period of exams. remember "God is our REFUGE and STRENGTH, an ever-present help in trouble" - Psalms 46:1-

Dear Lord, i just want to pray for everyone reading this, especially if they are preparing for their exams, give them the wisdom and knowledge they need, help them to continually keep their focus on You even during this period. Give them the peace when they study so that they will know You are with them and help them to be able to concentrate in everything that they do. AMEN!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Create in us a new heart,
renew our mind, restore our strength.

Tune our heartbeat to Yours today,
let it beat at the same frequency as Yours,
that we may express Your heartbeat
wherever we go.

May we bring Your revival,
Your fire to our campus/workplace,
may Your name be glorified.
How can we meet Your needs today?
Here we are, send us.

Holy Spirit, we depend on You,
walk with us every step we take,
that we may conquer each land
as we walk in holy partnership.
In Jesus' name we pray,
as one body we pray,