Thursday, July 2, 2009


wow.. its been 1 mth since i last blogged. and that was during exams period.. God has been good i must say.. got back my term project and it was surprisingly. average. haha. i tot i wld fail. so yea. dat was awesome :)

its really a God given chance this year to be able to go for hillsongs 2009.. i really can't wait for it to start.. flying tonight.. somehow.. my feelings are mixed between excitement, worry, confusion etc.. really don't know what to expect. but one thing i know is that my God will be there to reveal His splendor..

this trip will be my first w/o my parents. oddly enough. and i believe its gonna be exciting. hehe. gonna do things like skydiving :) hehehe... and jetcruise... can't wait.

this semester is gg to b exciting. i love my cell already :)